Rapid Cycling Brassicas
Rapid-cycling Brassicas can serve as models for research in genetics, host-parasite relations, molecular biology, cell biology, plant biochemistry, population biology, and plant breeding.
Bottle Biology
Out of the trash, into the classroom: You'll easily find the inexpensive materials you need for Bottle Biology so you can investigate a wide variety of phenomena in a model ecosystem.
Gardens of Lilliput
Create beautiful and fascinating miniature gardens in tiny containers, using plants such as mosses, miniature ferns, selagenella, and sundews.
Brassica Butterfly
The Brassica Butterfly is the ubiquitous cabbage white butterfly species found across North America in many natural places and in garden with cabbage, broccoli, and other crucifers, including Fast Plants(TM). These butterflies can be easily raised in the classroom and investigated alone or with Fast Plants(TM) or other brassicas.
Tools and Techniques
One of Dr. Paul William's passions is inventing and constructing science tools and developing new techniques for inquiring about the natural world. His creativity and resourcefulness come together, and new tools are born out of everyday supplies and recycled materials.
Images of and Insights into the Natural World
Ever wondering, Dr. Paul Williams uses photography to both document and investigate the natural world.

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